Letter to my Sister

Dear Sister,

Yes we are having a wonderful Christmas here in our little cabin. Still in full extension of the good word although not currently itinerant rabbis! Like other Christian mystics our main focus for the winter is on transmuting those internal conflicts so that we reflect only eternal truth. There is definitely a deeper self-acceptance and therefore allowance for life as it unfolds and what the Spirit is trying to show us. I’ve begun writing again and I am open to where and how what is coming through serves.

We are very happy to be off the road for a while. Chris is loving chopping wood and making fires in our little stove. It is all very simple and small but nurturing.

We are well and content to be of service however that looks from day-to-day as we have good internet. Our Christmas tree this year came from a small birch our local beaver gnawed down! So we hand-made decorations, including a foil star—it looks like something from Little House on the Prairie.

So glad that you were able to have some of the Sisters over for Christmas day. I’m sure the fluctuating pandemic level restrictions have been a big shift in how you can function in your ministry as Dominican’s (Order of Preacher Nuns) in the greater urban community. I’m so glad there are two of you together in the parish house. Your Sister is so vibrant and warm, a wonderful companion in Christ and I am certain you are an equal blessing for her.

Our major insight right now is that the temptation to fix or take any action from distress (even the slightest disturbance or irritation) is a lack of awareness of the Spirits Presence in our lives. So our devotion is to pray first and place our faith in the Answer and until that has been made clear—pause for communion—and be willing to face the fear of inaction and false responsibility that runs autonomy. We have joyfully discovered most things don’t need to happen at all!

We are constantly delighted to discover just how little is asked and humbled to accept our true part like Mary (of Bethel). Forgiveness offers me everything I want and the relief of allowing the Comforter to show me how much I am loved and how essential to God’s plan that it undoes all unnecessary bluster and every interaction lands like a blessing. It’s a feeling of kismet and that “all things work together for good for those who serve the Lord.”

I have discovered that external means are not needed to relieve guilt through sorrowful atonement, as the choice for Peace (for all) and correction (clarification of mistaken thinking) is a higher prayer. This goal guides our daily actions joyfully in gratitude, rather than shame, so that they all feel light and fruitful. However long the hours, it is a self-sustaining prayer of being “done through”, and we have become intolerant of being dispirited or tired, without pausing to pray. We are also willing to sit still and face the discomfort we feel when we are trying to avoid God through apparently “good works!” Rushing in where “angels fear to tread” makes so much sense now. It is more like being willing to be a really obedient and happy dog, staying devotedly by our Master’s side!

I’m sure you have been discovering something similar (especially not being in a traditional convent setting and your parish work halted) as it has become vital during the pandemic that all actions be Guided and absolutely essential. It’s like everyone is on retreat to a certain degree and questioning what their life priorities are. I feel it is like a refinement and deeper clarity of how Grace operates in our lives. A deeper Call into Presence and involuntary extension, demonstrated through trust and faith in God now rather waiting or even wanting things to be different. This is our real life’s work.

I found this Bible passage today and it lit me up!
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
Proverbs 3:17

Which is so delightful, I was actually searching for this…
His Yoke Is Easy Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Love You!

Sending many blessings to you both,
Love from Chris and I as the snow falls softly outside.

Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! 

by Clare of Assisi

Place your mind before the mirror of eternity!
Place your soul in the brilliance of glory!
Place your heart in the figure of the divine substance!
And transform your whole being into
the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation!
So that you too may feel what His friends feel
as they taste the hidden sweetness
which God Himself has reserved
from the beginning
for those who love Him.

~ A Course in Miracles – Chapter 14 – X. The Equality of Miracles ~

The reflections you accept into the mirror of your mind in time but bring eternity nearer or farther. But eternity itself is beyond all time. Reach out of time and touch it, with the help of its reflection in you.  And you will turn from time to holiness, as surely as the reflection of holiness calls everyone to lay all guilt aside. Reflect the peace of Heaven here, and bring this world to Heaven. For the reflection of truth draws everyone to truth, and as they enter into it they leave all reflections behind.” (ACIM T-14.X.1)

FURTHER READING from A Course in Miracles #ACIM in AcourseInMiraclesNow.com