Join Sarah for Adventures of Forgiveness in Ireland—island of saints and scholars!
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This Mystic Life is the story of a Spirit led Life with Sarah St. Claire. Focusing on Spirit, Presence, and the mystic connection that everyone has to the unseen yet felt life.
This Mystic Life places Peace as it’s sole goal! Acknowledges its God dependency and is expectant of miracles! Love, light and Innocence is the experience of being Guided by the Holy Spirit.
Ireland, home of celtic wisdom and our great friend and anam cara, John O’Donohue, from Clare in the West of Irealnd. Starts us on our journey. The Atlantic Way is steped in Celtic Spirituality and I feel student of acim (a course in miracles) will really appreciate this practical application of the awakening principles it shares. Christ is the unifying Presence of One in whom we are all joined.
Beannacht is the blessing with which we greet this new Way!
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